How to apply
Whether you are a school leaver or adult learner, the steps to apply are simple.
Have a read through your dedicated section below and get ready to find your brilliance.
We can't wait for you to join us!
School Leavers 16-18 yrs

Browse through hundreds of courses and find the one that inspires you! You can search by subject area, qualification type, or even by campus.
Once you find a course that looks good - read the finer details, check the entry requirements, share with your friends and family, and get ready to apply!
If you are looking to study A Levels at our Sixth Form Campus and are applying online, please choose your favourite course and begin your application. As part of the application form, you will be able to then select the other A Levels you wish to study, up to a maximum of 4.
Later in the application process, you can then order these courses by preference, and the admissions team will arrange an interview with subject specific staff to confirm your place.
By email
Download a copy of our application form and email it to us once complete. For Highbury, Arundel, or North Harbour courses, please use and for Sixth Form courses, please use
Don’t forget to include all the courses you wish to study.
By post
If you have a physical copy of our prospectus and wish to complete the paper-based application form in the back, please post your completed form to: City of Portsmouth College, Admissions, Highbury Campus, Tudor Crescent, Portsmouth PO6 2SA.
If you are applying via the website – Search for your course and click the large “apply now” button once you have read the details and are happy this is the course for you. Once there, you will be prompted to create yourself an account before starting your application (make sure to make note of the details for future use!).
It's useful to have information about your predicted grades and/or past qualifications and work experience handy, alongside the other courses you are interested in (if choosing courses at our Sixth Form Campus) and be ready to tell us a little about yourself and your study goals. We want to ensure we are setting you up for success with the course(s) you have selected.
If you have already started your application and want to return to finish it, or check its progress – click here to log back in.
Once you've sent us your application, you will be emailed details of your interview with the course lecturer or tutor. This will be your chance to discuss your chosen course(s) and ask any questions about studying here. We can also guide you on your future study plans to ensure you're on the right track to achieving your career goals.
If you have stated on your application form that you may need additional support, or you have an EHCP, you may be invited to meet with the College SEN team prior to meeting with your course lecturer. These interviews will help us put together a programme of study that’s right for you.
For the majority of students, a verbal offer for a place on your course will be given during your interview. This will then be confirmed by email shortly afterwards.
This offer will relate to the level of course you have discussed at your interview, and will be conditional. Your place on the course will then be confirmed at your enrolment interview, once you have received your GCSE results. If you already have your results, then your offer will be for the course that most accurately matches your level of qualification.
Around the beginning of July, most year 11 applicants will be invited via email to attend a Welcome Day.
This is your opportunity to experience the College, get introduced to Flying Start, which is an initiative to kick start your learning during summer, and to meet key members of the College team, prior to starting in September.
There will also be an opportunity for your parents/carers to come along to an information evening to ask any questions they have and familiarise themselves with the College environment.
The final step before you start your course!
During your Welcome Day, you may receive your enrolment pack, or alternatively, this will be posted or emailed to you. This pack will include your letter inviting you to your enrolment interview, and it’s essential that you attend. You will need to make sure you bring along photo ID, your GCSE results and your appointment letter. Also check out our dedicated enrolment page for all the key info.
If you didn’t receive the GCSE results you were expecting and are worried about the course you have applied for, then please still attend your interview and don't panic!. During the afternoon of results day, our Highbury Campus (for Highbury and North Harbour applicants) and Sixth Form Campus (for Sixth Form Campus applicants) will be hosting a CGSE results clinic, between 1-4pm. The team will be ready to help you.
Already started your application?
Log back in to check your application status or continue where you left off.
Adult Learners 19+ yrs

Browse through hundreds of courses and find the one that inspires you! You can search by subject area, qualification type, or even by campus.
Once you find a course that interests you - read the finer details, check the entry requirements, share with your friends and family, and get ready to apply!
By email
Download a copy of our application form and email it to us once complete:
By post
If you have a physical copy of our prospectus and wish to complete the paper-based application form in the back, please post your completed form to: City of Portsmouth College, Admissions, Highbury Campus, Tudor Crescent, Portsmouth PO6 2SA.
If you are applying via the website – Search for your course and click the large “apply now” button once you have read the details and are happy this is the course for you. Once there, you will be prompted to create yourself an account before starting your application (make sure to make note of the details for future use!).
It's useful to have information about your past qualifications and work experience handy, and be ready to tell us a little about yourself and your study goals. We want to ensure we are setting you up for success with the course(s) you have selected.
If you have already started your application and want to return to finish it, or check its progress – click here to log back in.
The majority of our adult learner courses do not require an interview. If however you are applying for courses such as British Sign Language or Counselling, you may be invited for an interview. If this is the case, we will invite you along by email. This will be your chance to discuss your chosen course(s) and ask any questions you may have. These interviews will help us put together a programme of study that’s right for you.
For the majority of our adult learners, an offer will be provided by email, or verbally at an interview, if applicable.
This offer will relate to the level of course you have applied for, and will be conditional if you need to provide proof of your qualifications, or you need to sit maths and English assessments.
Before starting your programme of study, you’ll need to pay your course fees (if required) and formally enrol onto the course.
You will be contacted by email when we are ready to get you enrolled. Sometimes this will need to be done in person at College, and sometimes you can just provide us with scanned copies of the requested documents via email. These can include your qualifications, passport or birth certificate. Once you’ve enrolled, you’re ready to begin your journey with us!
Already started your application?
Log back in to check your application status or continue where you left off.
Get a feel for COPC at our next Open Event!
If you need some more inspiration and guidance, or you want to see some courses in action, then our Open Events will be the ideal next step.
We hold them 3 times a year in February, May and October, so click below and check the next available date.
Have a general question?
Get in touch with the team and they can help to guide you in the right direction.
Submit a enquiry via the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible, or if you'd prefer to speak to someone today - give us a call on: 023 9238 3131