Access to HE Diploma (Education Professions) for Adults
Course Code: Q274042
Key Information
Course type
Access to Higher Education
Start Date:
£3,384.00 or Free

If you do not possess the traditional qualifications, such as A Levels then the Access to HE diploma is an excellent alternative route to university. This diploma is accepted by most UK universities and helps prepare you for the demands of higher education. It has been specially constructed to suit the needs of potential students who have been out of education for some time.
We strongly recommend that you first select the degree course you would like to study, and make sure that the university you wish to attend is happy with your Access to HE Diploma (Education professions). Once you have checked that it meets their entrance criteria, you will know that this course is the right path for you.
Distance learning courses offer you freedom with your studies. First of all, you are not required to wait until September to get started. You can start straight away or begin studying at a time that suits you the most. Secondly, you are not required to attend classes, you can study from home, at a time that is convenient for you. This is perfect for those who have a particularly demanding work or family life.
Nothing can stop you pursuing a career in any number of areas once you have the undergraduate degree under your belt. Many students go on to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) by studying towards an undergraduate degree or a PGCE, but that does not mean just because you study education that you need to be a teacher. There are plenty of alternative career paths which you can take after you graduate.
This programme is suitable for adult returners to learning or those with few or no traditional qualifications to help you prepare for higher education and university.
Want to study an education related subject at undergraduate level but not yet sure which area suits you best? Then this Access to HE Diploma (Education professions) with its general pathway is the ideal course for you. It provides a great balance of educational practice alongside theory and childhood studies, making it the perfect programme for students who want to gain a valuable insight into the world of education.
You are required to have a GCSE in maths and English at grade C/4 or above, or Functional Skills Level 2 in maths and English.
You will study this course fully online. You will be supported by an online tutor.
A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total in order to achieve the Access to HE Diploma in Education. Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on academic content. The remaining 15 come from ungraded units included to help you advance your study skills.
As part of your programme you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.
Your Access to Higher Education diploma and the way it is delivered within an innovative learning platform and is designed to give you the best possible chance of fulfilling your dream of studying at university. Higher education degrees confirm to any employer your intellect, motivation and ability to work independently to succeed not just in your area of specialism but also life itself. A higher education degree is a gateway qualification that will allow you to apply for thousands of graduate programmes as well as setting you apart from those who don't have a degree.
Access to HE Diploma (Education Professions) for Adults
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