On Tuesday, some key members of the College were invited to tour Portsmouth’s International Port, Britain’s largest municipal port, to learn more about the daily operations and logistics and to explore the career possibilities on offer. Karen Humphreys, Interim Head of Apprenticeships and both Business Development Executives Naomi Beer and Helen Edwards were in attendance along with Sarah Warren, Vice Principal and Lee McCarthy, Assistant Principal.

The tour was led by Chris Hatter, Head of Compliance and Gareth Colwell, Marketing and Comms Officer from the port, who explained the vital position that Portsmouth plays in the industry and shipping millions of pieces of cargo across the globe each year. With Portsmouth’s unique and prominent waterfront location and accessible transport links, it is very well placed for ferries, cruise ships and freight which increases tourism and brings a huge amount of business to the city.

Portsmouth International Port is home to Portico, who operate the two conventional cargo berths within the port. There is an array of job types within Portico itself which ensure a smooth running of the port’s daily activities. We as a college are very much looking forward to progressing this partnership further and arranging work placement opportunities at the port for the students here at COPC.

Staff from Portsmouth's International Port are keen to come along to our upcoming Open Events to speak with the existing and future students and promote the career opportunities the port has to offer and the latest technology being introduced at the Port.

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